Welcome to Filly Coder

Leading software company delivering bespoke systems and applications

About Us

Filly Coder

At Filly Coder, we strive to provide you with the best of both worlds by leveraging our in-house application development and web design capabilities to deliver a product that meets your needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a global technology company providing tools for individuals and businesses to become smarter, more efficient, and better connected.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip businesses with the tools needed to operate more efficiently, reach more clients, and provide greater customer engagement leading to greater customer satisfaction and retention.

What we offer

Web/Mobile Development

A website that is designed with UI/UX design best practices in mind can greatly improve your business' sales. Our commitment to quality, security, and search optimization is second to none

We provide custom built web, mobile, and desktop applications for small and medium entreprises. Our in-house staff are skilled in Java, C, C++, C#, SQL, Python, Php, Laravel, GraphQL API, JavaScript, Swift, HTML, CSS, Wordpress, Squarespace, Java FX, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In-Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, UI/UX Design, ASP.NET, Node.js, jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Redux, React Native, Android, and IOS application development

We have experience building responsive websites and web applications for clients in Finance, Healthcare, Electrical Contracting, Education, and Ecommerce Sectors.

Software Development

At Filly Coder, we strive to provide you with the best of both worlds by leveraging our in-house application development and web design capabilities to deliver a product that meets your needs.

We have the expertise in building enterprise grade software using Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Php, NodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, React Native, Access, Apex, Salesforce, Swift, REST API, TCP/IP, UDP Sockets Programming, FLASK Framework, IONIC Framework, MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Apache Derby, Apache Tomcat, Kotlin, Microservices, Blockchain, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Redis, Jira, Trello, Gitlab CI/CD, Animation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Unity 3D Game Development.

We have experience building software and mobile applications for clients in Finance, Healthcare, Electrical Contracting, Education, and Ecommerce Sectors.

IT Training

Our training programs will equip you with all the skills you need to become a web developer or an application developer. We offer courses in programming fundamentals, product development, front end and back end web development, UI/UX Design, Animation, Video Game Programming, Unity 3D, Cinema 4D, Video Editing, Digital Marketing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Adobe Suite, and web and mobile application development.

Our 12 week full stack programs feature courses in web design, Java, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Node.js, MongoDB, jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, React Native, Python, Php, Android Application Development, and IOS application Development

We have Certification Programs in Java, C#, SQL Server, JavaScript, MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook.

Web Development Portfolio

MapAdvantage GRE

Click to view project

Coding Filly
Embrace Africa

Click to view project

MapAdvantage SAT
MapAdvantage SAT

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Paid In Art Site
Paid In Art Site

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Care In Touch
Care In Touch

Click to view project

Maryland Hispanic Institute for Good Governance
Mhigg Site

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Home Health Services
Home Health Services

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Morgan Lawley
Morgan Lawley

Click to view project

Bey Health Solutions
Bey Health Solutions

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Mapadvantage GMAT
MapAdvantage GMAT

Click to view project

MapAdvantage ACT
Chema Academy

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Berachar eCommerce
Berachar Ecommerce

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Black Lives Voter Guide
Black Lives Voter Guide

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Click to view project

Filly Learning Site
Filly Learning Site

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Care In Touch Home Health Agency

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NextGen FillyCamp

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Embrace Middle GA
Embrace Middle GA

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MapAdvantage Prep

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Filly Jobs
Filly Jobs

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St Cecilia Training
St Cecilia Training

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Filly Tutor
Filly Tutor

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Filly Jobs
Filly Commerce

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Mobile App Development Portfolio

Google Play Store

HomDoc App

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Care In Touch Messenger App
Care In Touch Messenger App

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Homdoc Doctors
HomDoc Doctors

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Edward The Egg Game
Edward The Egg Game

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Simple App Pro
Simple App Pro

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Simple App Mini
Simple App Mini

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Mobile App Development Portfolio

Apple App Store

HomDoc App

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Care In Touch Messenger App
Care In Touch Messenger App

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Homdoc Doctors
HomDoc Doctors

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Edward The Egg Game
Edward The Egg Game

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Simple App Pro
Simple App Pro

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Simple App Mini
Simple App Mini

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Happy clients


Professional Filly Coders


Projects completed

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  • 388 Market Street, Suite 1300
  • San Francisco, CA 94111
Design Rush: California Website Development Agency